Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Another wounded soldier; canon found in mosque

From Tuesday's update on Jameel's blog (& while you're there, watch the video of the anti-aircraft cannon & other weapons & ammunition found in a mosque):

12:59 PM The Mishnah (Oral Law) States: In a war that is a mitzva (Bibilical commandment, such as a defensive war, like the current one), even a Groom leaves his room, and a Bride leaves her Chuppa [wedding canopy]. (source Mishna Sotah, Chapter 8, Mishna 7 in Hebrew)

This was the first thing that came to mind, regarding the report from below at 12:48 seriously wounded IDF combat officer Aharon Yehoshua ben Chaya Shoshana [Karov], was married only 2 weeks ago. He left his troops from the Gaza front a few hours before his wedding, got married, and the following morning was back at the front with his troops

Aussie Dave's caption to the cannon-in-mosque video (also posted on his Tues. Gaza-War update here):

9:20PM: Is that a canon in your mosque or are you just happy to kill me?"

Aussie Dave later posted the following:

9:49PM: Some mind-blowing statistics:

  • Number of rockets fired into Israel since Dec 27: 565
  • Number of mortar shells fired into Israel since Dec 27: 200
  • Number of rockets fired into Israel since beginning 2005: 5700
  • Number of mortar shells fired into Israel since beginning 2005: 4000
  • Number of rockets fired into Israel in 2008: 2000+
  • Number of mortar shells fired into Israel in 2008: 1600+
  • Number of rockets fired into Israel during 6-month “truce”: 361
  • Number of mortar shells fired into Israel during 6-month “truce”: 303
  • Number of people killed by rockets and mortar shells since firing began in 2000: 37
  • Number of people wounded by rockets and mortar shells since beginning of Operation Cast Lead: 1272

Among Jack's updates for today is the "Hamas Dictionary."

Re Gaza War updates, I copied this from Ezzie's blog, because he phrased it so well:
"Just . . . a reminder . . . : Jameel & Aussie Dave are live-blogging everything from Israel (with some assistance from friends to keep it going 24 hours a day). Jack is rounding up posts and articles from all over consistently (usually twice a day). The IDF Spokesperson puts out official summaries and videos here and there. And it's worthwhile to plug an amazing blog: An Israeli Soldier's Mother.


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